Dear sacred heart
Dear Jesus,
How my heart desires and longs for you,
How my poor heart tremble in fear
I'm none other than poor,sinful and weak little one
Only you my heart desires!
I look at myself and see how imperfect I'm
I see how I have been wounding your Sacred Heart,
The rays of mercy shine forth towards me but my face quickly hides down
How merciful and loving your sacred heart is, O Jesus,
Though my face falls down with shame, my whole being runs to your mercy.
Only you Sacred heart of Jesus, Only you my sinful and poor heart desires.
If I look around me O sacred heart,
All I see are the consequence of your mercy
I then search my place and see, only contempt which I add
If I look deep, deep down this Holy Eucharistic Heart of yours O Jesus,
I realise it's only you, only You that I have been searching for
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, Only you, my poor sinful heart desires.
All done in love,
Piccola- Marie of the Eucharist
I love you too