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"let everything you do, be done in love" 1Cor 16: 13

In the light of the Good Shephered


Friday, October 15, 2010


SisterZ n' FriarZ Network

(The Altar at the St Eugenia Parish in Stockholm)

(Stockholm is built up ontop of approximately 14 islands.The view towards (not from) Slussen) lol!!

In Sweden, Catholics are the minorities. Mph! and the rest of the groups are either protestants,evangelicals, agnostics or Atheists etc. Catholicism was one of the earliest religion in Sweden but following the reformation, many consider it to be an alien religion.

Well, despite being the minority, Catholicism is growing very fast in Sweden where converts are being received frequently (Every week people are being baptised; yepeeeh!).

Nevertheless, for the migrants and visitors,language might be an issues-as it is to many of us- because in many parishes and the diocese, masses are being celebrated in Swedish. Luckily enough, in Stockholm,otherlanguage speakers, get at least one mass (Sunday of course hahahah) of their own languages; mostly English, French and Spanish. (I will have to research about other catholic churches outside stockholm! I promise One of the multinational parishes is St Eugenia at King's garden (kungstrÀdgardsgattan I hope the spellings are correct, let me check! Yap! correct indeed hahhhaah).

At St Eugenia, English masses are celebrated every Sunday at 18:00 pm. Of course it's presided by the holy confessions and holy rosary and
the litany of our blessed mother at her chapel. Being multinational, St Eugenia holds small communities
African group- Choir practice under the leadership of reverend sister Maurine
such as Philippine group and African group who from time to time have their own special masses normally,nce each month.

Last Saturday, the African group celebrated it's monthly mass where among other things, four members celebrated their birthdays as well. It was such a great event with good food after wards. yummy, yummy,

Many thanks to our God the almighty, our blessed mother and our chaplain!
We also thank all those who attended this superb event and we wish you all the best in your endeavours!
Let Christ's light shine upon you and those around you

Benedicta- Marie of the Eucharist (Sisters n' Friars Network)

"I have fallen in love with the Nazarene Carpenter"

For daily and weekly updates catch Sisters n' Friars http://piccola.blog.com/8

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