I have just ended a phone conversation with a friend who could not stop saying "why are you living this kind of life?" I asked him "What do you mean?" he replied that 'you are so conservative!' I was so surprised and I said "Ooh really? I didn't know that!". So he continued, well, now you know; why are you living this kind of life?" I didn't know how to answer him further.
Well,this new thread is specifically added with the aim of sharing the Word of our Lord; The Gospel. It sounds amazing how I pick these scriptures but its just like the children's famous game of "ana ana anado" and I love every bit of it.
Well, today's pick fall on the "Palm's sunday" when Jesus was entering Jerusalem. well, I know as we are nearly the end of Easter Season, I should have picked something else but this is what I picked and Yes, this's what I will share today lol.
I am so excited! Are you?
Well, have you ever asked yourself what this sentence mean? "If any one asks you,'Why are you untying it?' you are to say this,"The Master needs it" (Lk 19:31) ?
On my part, I doubt whether I've ever pondered this question, but since it's today's pick, I got to ask myself and yes with the power of the holy spirt, (whom I'm so much in love with), I believe I will get the answers.
When God created us, HE also provided us with a FREE WILL. With the free will, we are free to do whatever we want do, nevertheless, it should be noted that every choice has a consequence. It happens sometimes that one may chose to only do God's will (as it is expressed so much in the bible e.g from Our Lord's prayer " thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven") but others may say "why are you choosing this kind of life?" "Why don't you want to do this or that etc, etc, etc". This brings me back to the question "Why are you untying?" If you don't have the answer to these kind of questions, just say "The Master needs it"
This simple answer, will definately give you courage to untying any kind of a burden that is tying you so now. Jesus says in Mt 11:28 "Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest" This is (as indicated from the New Jerusalem Bible version) the gentle mastery of Christ. As a gentle Master, He wants us to untie all knots that are enstrangle our necks. Is it drug abuse, is it seximaniac, alchoholic,is it abortion, is it robbery, is it hate, is it power, is it pride? Let Jesus have your knot and you will be free.
Until next time, keep on meditating on Lk 19:28- 38 and untying your knots; You know why? Because the Master needs it
Best n' Peace
Best n' Peace,
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