Welcome at OCM

"let everything you do, be done in love" 1Cor 16: 13

In the light of the Good Shephered


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Welcome note

Dear All
I greet you with peace in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. As young people (Really the age doesn't matter here) we ought to carryJesus Christ in our lives because he is the truth, light and life.I welcome all of you to this network so that we may continue living and working together in redeeming our lives and the lives of our friends.Jesus said "there's no greater love like that of lying your life foryour friends"He also said "whoever teaches others these things will be greater in the kingdom of heaven" so we have to live the gospel and teach others as well.

I have no other gifts for the young people of East Africa than tolet them stay connected in Jesus' name.In here you will find groups; some belongs to the regions e.g Tanzania or Burundi etc. Just feel free to mingle in any group so that you maylearn what is happening at the other side of the wing. Also there areother groups such as "Rosary, Vocations etc." Join them and visit themas frequently as possible.You may share information relevant to thegroups e.g if you know any religios congregation you may post it onvocations. Furthemore, you are allowed to ask questions and memberswill reply accordingly.

Let Love, humility and forgiveness shine our lives as they are inshrined in the gospel and the magisterium of the Catholic church. It would be great if you invite your parish priests and seminarians as well .

Should you need any information just leave a comment, question or email me at piccola@hotmail.se

1 comment:

  1. am so happy that I can now write to you with great joy
